I went to a extra curricular activity and they had really wierd hotel rooms. The organizers said we were going to the zoo and had to pick clothes from the rack. They were all semi formal. I found one I really liked but it was a youth small. After almost running out of time, I found another dress. It was greenish blue with a champagne colored strip at the top and bottom. I then was almost late to leave and saw everyone was wearing pink. It was just the lights. I then saw my crush wave me over and I ran the best I could in 3inch heels. Everyone else had a date, so hooked arms with him and we boarded an bus.
This dream may reflect feelings of inadequacy or needing to conform to societal norms and expectations. The unusual hotel rooms may symbolize a feeling of being out of place or unfamiliar with your surroundings. The process of choosing clothes from a limited selection may indicate a sense of having to make do with what is available or feeling restricted in your choices. The focus on the dress you liked but couldn't wear due to sizing could suggest a desire for something that feels out of reach or unattainable in your waking life.
The color symbolism of greenish blue and champagne could represent a mix of emotions and desires. Greenish blue is often associated with tranquility and renewal, while champagne can symbolize celebration and luxury. Feeling like an outsider for not wearing pink may reflect a fear of not fitting in or standing out in social situations.
Seeing your crush and running to catch up with him may signify a desire for connection or validation from someone you admire. Hooking arms with him could symbolize a sense of closeness or partnership. Boarding a bus together with everyone else having a date may suggest a feeling of being in a social situation where you are seeking companionship or support.
Overall, this dream may be exploring themes of social anxiety, self-expression, and the desire for connection with others. It could be helpful to reflect on your waking life experiences and feelings to better understand the deeper meanings behind this dream.